Protect cavity-prone back teeth with dental sealants.
Children’s teeth are smaller than adults, with larger grooves and fissures, especially on the back teeth (premolars and molars). Because of these grooves, children’s teeth are often difficult to reach and keep clean, thus are more susceptible to tooth decay than most adult teeth. Dental sealants are an excellent way to protect cavity-prone back teeth and reduce the need for unnecessary dental work for children at a young age.
What are dental sealants?
Dental sealants are a protective layer that works to seal out bacteria from the surfaces of back teeth. The application process is simple, taking approximately a minute or two for each tooth. Your dentist will thoroughly clean and isolate the tooth prior to the treatment. After drying the tooth, the sealant solution is then painted directly onto the enamel of the teeth, bonding and hardening quickly. Dental sealants have been known to last for many years, enduring the stress of chewing and natural wear and tear. Your dentist will check the status of the sealants at regular dental visits. Although dental sealants are a preventive dental procedure for children, cavity-prone teenagers and adults may also find them beneficial as well.
If you think you or a family member are a good candidate for dental sealants, contact our dental office in Saskatoon for an appointment. We’re happy to help and answer any questions you may have! (306) 374-7272

Wildwood Dental Clinic
105 - 1526 8th Street East,
Saskatoon, SK
S7H 0T3